During the month of May, Fundlife International and GirlsGotThis, in collaboration with the Australian Embassy in the Philippines, have distributed a total of 195 Safe-at-Home packs to girls in different barangays in Cebu City.

With the GGT:RIA Project, girls aged 12 to 17 years old are the recipients of the Safe-at-Home packs. Each pack contains educational kits (bondpaper, intermediate pad, pencil, ballpen, sharpener, notebook, and crayons) and hygiene kits (alcohol, facemask, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and sanitary napkin). Additionally, each girl will also receive a Safe-at-Home Activity Book translated in the Cebuano language.
Six barangays in Cebu City received the packs. These barangays were Mambaling, Sawang Calero, Ermita, Guadalupe, Sambag 1 and including two mountain barangays of Guba and Sirao. In addition to the distribution, a short session of the first topic of the activity book, “Who Am I?” was conducted.
During the session, the girls were asked to reflect on themselves about who they really are and who they think they are. They began by listening to a brief information about self-awareness and then told to look at the “Self Map” sample in the activity book. After, they did their own “Self Map” in the activity book.
They were given a short minute to share their work in a sub-group and later, they were asked about their realisations and feelings while doing the activity. The girls expressed that they learned more about themselves and they had fun making their ‘Self Map’.
The distribution will continue in June targeting more barangays in the city and some island barangays in Cebu Province. A total of 750 packs will be distributed in the entire duration of the project. As a whole, the girls were grateful that in the midst of the pandemic, they are encouraged, educated, and empowered even with the stay-at-home set-up.