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GGTW Session: Teaching Young Women about Employability and Entrepreneurship

As someone who is very successful as a lawyer and a career speaker, you wouldn't think that Atty. Reymar Englis Dico was born into a family of very limited means. Entering the session hall with so much confidence, poise, and authority, you would think that he's the type who got it easy in life.

But, indeed, looks can be deceiving. During the session, he shared that the success he is currently enjoying wasn't handed to him on a silver plate. In fact, before he became a lawyer, public servant, and entrepreneur, he was a simple child who dreamed of one day pursuing his dreams. He added that with poor communication skills, having a career that involved talking fluently and confidently in front of other people had never crossed his mind. With a family that thrived on very little, becoming a lawyer seemed like an impossibility.

During the session, Atty. Dico emphasized the importance of this simple recipe to grow and eventually live your dreams. Gathering the participants in a huddle, the trainer first showed the girls a short motivational video about believing in one's self to overcome obstacles and be the best version of themselves. After watching the short film, the girls then shared their thoughts on the important points and issues raised in the video. In order to get to know the girls more, the session focused on the dreams, goals, aspirations, and ambitions of the participants.

Next, they discussed the hindrances and obstacles that could prevent them from achieving their life goals. Once these issues were addressed, the session then focused on how the girls can overcome the obstacles that they currently face. The session gave the girls a chance to revisit the things that keep them motivated to continue moving towards their goals. They were each given a chance to share about what they wish to become and how they plan to get things done.

For the next weekly session, Atty. Dico shared that the focus will shift towards empowering the young participants to continue chasing after their dreams and fuelling their passions in order to prepare themselves for a flourishing career as a employee and as an entrepreneur.

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