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Batang Champion: An Embodiment of a Committed, Dedicated, and Passionate Player

Motivation is the ability to continuously breathe life into whatever you do. It is creating a sense of purpose even in mundane situations. In FundLife International through the Girls Got This, we create an atmosphere where motivations are cultivated through the power of purposive play. We create an environment where access to education and empowerment fosters. Through the different activities of FundLife, we encouraged the highly vulnerable youth and children under our program to break their limited beliefs of what is possible so that they can unleash their full potential.

Recently, we published a content on our social media platforms entitled Batang Champion. A Batang Champion embodies a player under the FundLife program who is resilient, committed, motivated, and confident. A Batang Champion has the ability to master basic football skills such as control, explosive speed, and shot accuracy.

Aside from the football skills, a Batang champion is a great team player. He/she has the passion and drive, leadership skills, sense of accountability, and self-motivation to always want to better themselves by continuously learning.

Meyanie Salas was one of the selected Batang Champion from Tacloban City. Meyanie has been under our program for a long time and we observed a character and personality development from her since Day 1 of our intervention. She became empowered and motivated to go beyond what is expected of her as a football player and as a student of our mentorship programs.

“I was shocked and I feel really proud of myself because I have been chosen as a Champion and I was able to showcase my talent and skills. The community-sessions helped me a lot. Because of the lockdown, I always stay at home with nothing to do. Through FundLife and Girls Got This, I developed my personality and attitude which helped me move forward in life. Also, I learned that no matter the age, status, or skin color, we should treat everyone with respect.”

It is our duty to believe in the dreams of the children and youth. As what Jose Rizal said, “ Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng Bayan.” (Youth is the hope of our nation.) FundLife International and Girls Got This aspires to continue to support the highly vulnerable children and youth so that they will have dreams in color.

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